Friendship 3

Remind your friend of the good times you had together. Right now, you’re probably both feeling hurt about what happened. It may be helpful to talk about your good memories. Tell your friend about your favorite moments in your friendship. Then, ask them to remember their favorite moments.[13]
Say, “My favorite memory of you as a friend is the time we both got each other the same sweater as a holiday gift. That was the moment I knew we were meant to be BFFs.”
Image titled Save a Friendship Step 14
Tell your friend what you expect from the friendship moving forward. You and your friend probably have different expectations for your friendship, and your friend likely doesn't know what you expect. Talk to your friend about how you want your relationship to be. Then, listen to what your friend expects from you.[14]
Say, “In the future, I want us to talk to each other without making critical comments about each other’s bodies,” or “Moving forward, I need to be able to pick half of the activities we do.”

Method Three of Three:
Helping Your Friendship Grow
Image titled Save a Friendship Step 15
Make the first move to start the healing process. Being the first person to reach out is super scary, but it may be the only way to fix things. Don’t let your fear hold you back. Send the first text, give the first smile, or say the first, “Hey, how’ve you been.” Soon, your friendship might be on the road to recovery.[15]
Keep things simple at first. Send a simple text that says, “Hey! :)”
Image titled Save a Friendship Step 16
Act like you’re just getting to know them for the first time. You likely wish things could go back to the way they were, but that may not be possible. Instead of trying to pretend things are the same, embrace the chance to start over. Get to know your friend all over again by having long talks and making new memories together.[16]
Invite your friend to have coffee or bake cookies. Then, use this time to talk about yourselves.
Image titled Save a Friendship Step 17
Enjoy new experiences with your friend. Doing fun, new things will help you move your friendship forward. Choose something you and your friend have always wanted to try, or pick something that’s scared you in the past.[17]
For instance, you might go skydiving, run a 5K, take an art class, or try out for a play.
Ask your friend if they have any ideas for activities you can try.
Tip: It’s easy to get stuck in a rut with your friend, and that can make your friendship start to die. However, doing something new and fun will breathe life into your relationship!


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